
Jan 18, 20212 min

Mom Crush Monday- DeShawne Edwards

Our "Mom Crush Monday" this week goes out to DeShawne Edwards. DeShawne is a mama of 4 beautiful children and a fellow blogger of @myfavoritenameismom (GO CHECK IT OUT IMMEDIATELY).

This fellow mommy blogger recently chose to leave her job and pursue a CAREER as a stay at home mama. DeShawne has inspired me and challenged me and loved on me SO MUCH in just a small amount of time. She is one of those people who lives to love others, lives to be there to support and just sit with you. DeShawne has done such a wonderful job teaching me that motherhood is not just what I do but it's who I am, it's who I have been created to be. It's not "just a mom," but it's a CALLING.

DeShawne is a boldly obedient, lover of Jesus and an amazing teacher. She doesn't just teach but she DOES LIFE WITH PEOPLE. She loves women back to life. In her own words (cause why would I try to say it better) she says "At the core of who I am, I know I am enough and I desire to help women everywhere know that , they too, are enough! I truly believe that Mom is who we are... not what we do. When we operate fully in who we are, we can bring the compassion, gentleness, attentiveness, kindness and nurturing nature of a Mother into everything we do."

When I first met DeShawne (and I mean like a week after meeting her) she challenged me to dig deep within myself to start dreaming again. She had me write out 100 dreams and at that point I truly hadn't allowed myself to dream in at least 2 years. I was daunted by the challenge but inspired and always up for a challenge so I got to work. She helped me realize that being a mom doesn't mean I sacrifice dreaming. She ignited a fire inside of me and helped me see that I was created to dream, to have goals, to inspire and be inspired.


1.) What's your favorite guilty pleasure TV show?

Criminal Minds... I love a good crime drama

2.)What song gets you going?

Man of your word by Maverick City Music... it gets me pumped

3.) What's does self care look like for you?

I find self care very challenging... I’m great at caring for others but have a hard time knowing what I need... but I always feel refreshed after an Açaí bowl and time away from the kids (could be wandering through the mall or the grove)

Question from our last Mom Crush (my mom Becky Pepp)

“Which movie title best describes your life?"

Sleepless in Seattle... except I’m not in Seattle, I’m in LA... but boy am I sleepless lol

A Word of advice to mamas out there?

You are enough... the world will make you think that what you do for your family isn’t good enough but that’s a lie... there is nothing more valuable than what you bring to your children by simply being you.

A question for next weeks MCM

If you could only choose one food (calories don’t matter) to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
